Highly efficient hybrid storage solutions for power and heat in residential buildings and district areas, balancing the supply and demand conditions

The overall objective of the HYBUILD project is the development of two innovative compact hybrid electrical/thermal storage systems for stand-alone and district connected buildings. The two concepts will be developed for ensuring comfort condition in residential buildings located in two different climates: one for Mediterranean climate, where cooling season operation is particularly critical, and another one for Continental climate, where criticalities mainly concern the heating season operation. Both systems will be able to efficiently cover also heating and cooling demand respectively.
The aforementioned systems aim to enhance the penetration of renewables in the building sector, by efficiently converting solar energy to electricity (via photovoltaics) and heat (via a DC driven heat pump) and storing the produced energy either in batteries (as electricity) or in high density latent thermal storage modules (based on PCMs). Especially for the Mediterranean concept, solar thermal collectors will drive a two bed sorption chiller, providing an extra storage module or increasing the electricity-to-heat conversion efficiency.

  • COMSA Corporación de Infraestructuras (Coordinator)
  • Universidad de Lleida, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
  • Nobatek
  • CSEM Centre Suisse d’Électronique et de Microtechnique – Recherche et Developpement
  • Accademia Europea di Bolzano
  • Fahrenheit AG
  • Mikrometal
  • Sviluppo Tecnologie e Ricerca Per L'edilizia Sismicamente Sicura ed Ecosostenibile
  • National Technical University of Athens
  • Fresnex
  • Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica
  • Daikin Air-Conditioning Greece
  • Ochsner Wδrmepumpen
  • University of Cyprus
  • Ajuntament Almatret
  • AKG Verwal tungsgesellschaft
  • R2M Solution France
  • Municipalityof Aglantzia
  • Pink GnbH - Energie und Speichertechnik
Project duration
Oct 2017 - Oct 2021
Overall Project Budget
5,995,840.00 € (100% EC contribution)
288,750.00 € (100% EC contribution)
Scientific Responsible